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Our Teacher Tenets


A Sense of Humor
​All teachers and students need to have a good sense of humor. Humor brings lightness to our day and can relieve tension. Most importantly, an appropriate sense of humor allows you to see the joy in life.

A Positive Attitude​
If we bring ourselves each day with an effort to keep a positive attitude, it makes our day better for ourselves and everyone around us. Being positive rubs off on others too and provides a healthy community to learn in.
High Expectations​
We believe in the power of high expectations.  If you expect great things, then great things you shall find. We will have high expectations for each of our students and hope they hold the same for us. We expect all students to be successful and urge them to be the very best that they can be.


Our students need to know what to expect each day. We will review our routines and our calendar each day. The students will know what to expect in all situations. This creates a safe environment where students are able to succeed.

Respect is a must in our classroom. We will show respect to each and every student and expect that in return our students will show respect to us and each other. We are all living in community with one another and in order to seek harmony amongst each other, it must begin with mutual respect.


These are the values we believe in and strive for in our classroom community.
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